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- Notice : Undefined index: node dans rc_preprocess_html() (ligne 39 dans /var/aegir/platforms/drupal-7-2013.11.27-dev/sites/recherche-creation.aegirnt2.uqam.ca/themes/rc/template.php).
- Warning : Illegal offset type dans drupal_add_js() (ligne 4210 dans /var/aegir/platforms/drupal-7-2013.11.27-dev/includes/common.inc).
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Global Ecologies and the Environmental Humanities: Postcolonial Approaches. New York : Routledge.
. 2015. Unsettling Partition: Literature, Gender, Memory. Toronto : The University of Toronto Press.
. 2006. Critical Posthumanism. Cultural Critique. Special Issue. Vol. 53. Coll. « Cultural Critique ». États-Unis : University of Minnesota Press.
. 2003. « Re-embodying Technoscientific Fantasies: Posthumanism, Genetically Modified Foods, and the Colonization of Life ». Cultural Critique, vol. 53, no Winter. Coll. « Cultural Critique ».
. 2003. Revisiting the Subaltern in the New Empire. Cultural Studies. Special Issue. Vol. 17. 1 vol. Coll. « Cultural Studies ». États-Unis : Taylor & Francis.
. 2003.